Homophobia in Post-Soviet countries
Homophobia in Post-Soviet countries
Homophobia is a mental disorder that manifests itself in dislike, fear and negative attitude towards people who are non-traditional.
"Homophobia" is a term that many people think is incorrect, wrong. In theory, homophobes should be afraid of homosexuals, tremble at the sight of them, run and hide, and show other similar signs. Instead, homophobes engage in angry insults and threats against members of the "non-traditional orientation", as well as beating them in the streets, killing them and trying to push through discriminatory laws at the level of the federal government. Why, then, did such a term arise?
In our time, homophobia is a social position, a worldview; and at the time when the concept arose, it was invested with a slightly different meaning. Homophobia was called a pathological fear that others might take you for a gay man. People with such a mental disorder are afraid of the corresponding images, thoughts that arise in his mind, are afraid to say certain words, etc.
The fear of discovering signs of homosexuality is also expressed in a purposeful "masculinity" in appearance and behavior – a person tries to prove to himself and others that he is a "real man". Hence, of course, comes the hatred towards everything that concerns homosexuality: fearing that a young guy may like him, a man tries to convince himself that he hates him. Subsequently, the concept of "homophobia" in the public consciousness narrowed down and began to denote only this very hatred and its manifestations, and people seemed to forget about the mental disorder.
Hatred and hostility towards representatives of the so-called "non-traditional orientation" can arise both under the influence of this mental disorder, and for completely different reasons.
So, quite often, "homophobia" is part of the grassroots worldview and upbringing – traditionally patriarchal, religious, criminal. A person hates homosexuals because he was taught from childhood that they are "wrong".
Because of the spread of homosexual relations in the country, fewer children are born, "pampered" young people can not be good movers and warriors (the only worthy "man" classes, according to criminals and other lumpens), they "serve the devil" , etc.
1 ЕАН [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://eanews.ru/news/lgbt-lyudi-i-dalshe-dolzhny-ostavatsya-vtorosortnymi-samyye-gromkiye-gomofobnyye-vyskazyvaniya-goda_17-05-2020.
2 b17 [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://www.b17.ru/article/135193/.
3 LiveJournal [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://vg-saveliev.livejournal.com/638023.html.
4 XGAU.RU [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.xgay.ru/news/rainbow/2019/10/17-41085.htm.
5 News [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: https://point.md/ru/novosti/v-mire/kak-otnosyatsya-k-lgbt-soobschestvam-postsovetskie-strani.