1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите выделенный курсивом отрывок.
2. Поставьте 5 вопросов ко всему содержанию текста
3. Употребите глагол-сказуемое в правильной форме
4. Выберите правильный предлог
5. Соедините слово в правой колонке с его определением слева.
1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите выделенный курсивом отрывок
What is alcohol?
Alcohol is a sedative hypnotic drug that depresses the central nervous system, making you feel more relaxed. Most adults in the UK drink alcohol moderately and on a social basis and derive a lot of pleasure from doing so. However, about one in five men and one in seven women regularly drink more than the Department of Health suggests is strictly safe for good health. This is up to two to three units of alcohol a day for women and up to three to four units of alcohol a day for men, to a maximum of 14 units a week for women and 21 units a week for men. A unit of alcohol is equivalent to half a pint of ordinary strength beer, a small glass of wine or single pub measure of spirits.
The short-term effects of alcohol are dependent on the amount consumed and can vary enormously from person to person and from one situation to another.
Печень может постепенно повреждаться из-за состояния, известного как цирроз, что может привести к печеночной недостаточности, раку печени и смерти.
Нервная система может быть повреждена на многих уровнях. Повреждение мозга может нарушить интеллектуальную функцию и увеличить риск тревоги и депрессии, спутанности сознания и слабоумия.
2. Поставьте 5 вопросов ко всему содержанию текста
1. What is alcohol?
2. Which symptoms you can get as a result of drinking alcohol?
3. Употребите глагол-сказуемое в правильной форме
Sleep 1 is important, as it actually 2 helps the body to cope with stress. The body 3 prepares for sleep at night by secreting the hormone melatonin into the bloodstream, which 4 causes the body to experience a decrease in temperature and alertness. Meanwhile, during the day, light from the sun actually 5 prevents the production of melatonin. Traveling to another time zone or even working at night versus during the day can 6 cause a disruption of your body's natural sleep cycle. However, just a few steps can 7 help you to restore your sleep cycle effectively.
4. Выберите правильный предлог
1. Drinking alcohol can affect the heart in good and bad ways.
2. Long-term alcohol use can also result in high blood pressure, which increases a person's risk of heart disease.
3. However, blood pressure can go to normal within a few months after drinking stops if there is not a lot of damage to the heart.
4. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed in the upper portion of the small intestine.
5. The liver is able to metabolize about 8 ounce of ethanol per hour.
5. Соедините слово в правой колонке с его определением слева
overlooked - i) missed, not noticed
hangover - h) headache and tiredness a few hours after drinking too much
cirrhosis - b) a disease which destroys a person’s liver and which can kill them
inhibition - f) feelings of fear or embarrassment that make it
blurred vision - g) make or become unclear or less distinct