Коммуникативный подход формирования и развития у обучающихся речевых навыков и умений на английском языке
МГЛУ (Минский государственный лингвистический университет)
Курсовая работа (проект)
на тему: «Коммуникативный подход формирования и развития у обучающихся речевых навыков и умений на английском языке»
по дисциплине: «Английский язык»
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Коммуникативный подход формирования и развития у обучающихся речевых навыков и умений на английском языке
Тип работы: Курсовая работа (проект)
Дисциплина: Английский язык
Работа защищена на оценку "8" без доработок.
Уникальность свыше 60%.
Работа оформлена в соответствии с методическими указаниями учебного заведения.
Количество страниц - 31.
1.1 The concept of the Communicative Approach and its functions
1.2 The origin of the Communicative Approach
1.3 Principles of the communicative approach in English lessons
1.4 The communicative approach as a means of developing competence
2.1 Methodological developments of the complex exercise on the use of a communicative approach in teaching listening
2.2 Practical aspects of teaching English grammar in the framework of a communicative approach
2.3 Characteristics of preparatory and communicative exercises for teaching speaking
2.4 Developing a lesson model using a communicative approach
Teaching foreign languages is currently associated with the strengthening of its communicative orientation, which is understood as the focus on speech as a form of communication. One of the manifestations of the communicative orientation of teaching foreign languages is the awareness by students of the communicative importance of the educational actions they perform. The relevance of the research topic is due to the interest of modern methods in the communication-oriented approach in teaching a foreign language, and to the insufficient development of methods for the formation of communicative skills of schoolchildren.
Forming communicative skills is an urgent problem in modern methods of teaching English. Unfortunately, at the present time, proper attention is not paid to many aspects of teaching foreign languages. Although the types of skills are highlighted, the difficulties associated with teaching these skills in a foreign language are identified, and the ways to overcome them are considered, the practice needs further development. Practice shows that the program requirements are not fully met by many teachers. Students who graduate from school have poor speaking techniques and reading and listening comprehension. The main reason, according to the methodologists, is that in recent years, very little attention has been paid to the very development of the communicative method in the new conditions. Consequently, one of the most serious tasks of the methodology is the solution of this problem.
The purpose of this work is to consider and develop active methods of the communicative approach, which corresponds to the main direction of teaching foreign languages: the formation of communication skills and abilities, the organization of verbal communication in the classroom.
1.1 The concept of the Communicative Approach and its functions
While recognizing the existence of various methods in the modern learning process of foreign language, it should still be noted that the leading position is occupied by the communicative method, which largely determines the choice of techniques, means and forms of learning. At the same time, we note that it is not a variant of any pre-existing method; is characterized by its solid scientific and theoretical base and target perspective and includes a psycholinguistic assessment of the language itself as a means of communication, the definition of the conditions and goals of study for the implementation of foreign language communication. Thus, the communicative approach to teaching FL is learning to communicate through communication on the basis of a communicative-speech situation, as close as possible to natural conditions. It is realized on the basis of subject-subject relations between the teacher and students and serves to form bilinguals, that is, people who can practically use the FL as a means of communication [5, p. 404].
The communicative approach has the following functions:
- communicative orientation of learning, i.e. language serves as a means of communication in real life situations that require communication;
- interrelated training in all forms of oral and written communication;
- the authentic nature of the educational materials, original texts are chosen for teaching even at the early stages without simplifications and adaptations;
- modelling situations, which change from day to day, creating new communicative tasks for students;
- personality-oriented training;
- possibility for a student to express his opinion, discuss issues and topics that are relevant to him.
2.1 Methodological developments of the complex exercise on the use of a communicative approach in teaching listening
The sequence of formation of skills and abilities of speech perception by ear is realized by the hierarchical construction of exercises that are divided into two subsystems — preparatory (language) and speech, into disintegrating groups: exercises for removing linguistic difficulties of listening, exercises for eliminating psychological difficulties of listening.
When building a system of exercises for listening, the following should be taken into account:
1) interaction of listening and speaking as two forms of oral communication;
2)the interaction of preparatory and speech exercises, their dosage and the sequence of execution depends on the language training of the students and their speech experience, in particular, in the field of listening perception;
3) a gradual increase in difficulties, which will guarantee the feasibility of performing exercises at different stages of training.
The purpose of the preparatory exercises is to remove linguistic or psychological difficulties beforehand (before listening to the text), which will allow the auditor to focus his attention on the perception of the content. Taking into account the factors affecting the perception of speech messages, two groups can be distinguished in the preparatory exercises:
1. exercises aimed at removing linguistic difficulties;
2. exercises aimed at overcoming psychological difficulties.
In the course of the work, the methodological significance of the communicative approach was determined in teaching a foreign language in general. The main difference between the communicative teaching method and the traditional ones is that the communicative method shifts attention from the rules of grammar and translation theory to a broader, communicative function of the language. And if earlier in the center the grammar rules were the basis in the study of the English language, and the learning process consisted of translating specially composed sentences (texts) into Russian (and vice versa), then with the advent of the communicative method of teaching, attention shifted to real life situations, the original English texts. The study of grammatical rules and the expansion of active vocabulary with this approach does not occur as a result of studying and translating specially composed sentences, but in the course of using the English language, using the example of real language situations. As a result of the study and analysis of scientific literature on the problem of teaching speech activities using a communicative approach, a set of exercises was developed. This complex includes exercises for teaching listening, speaking and grammar. The practical significance of this set of tasks is that it can be included in teaching, and can also be used by teachers in English lessons to teach various types of speech activities.
1. Bachman, L. The evaluation of communicative language proficiency: A critique of the ACTFL Oral Interview // Modern Language journal. – № 70. 4. – 1986. – P. 380–390.
2. Bim I. L. Methods of teaching foreign languages as a science and problems of a school textbook / I. L. Bim. – M.: Russian language, 1977. - 288 p.
3. Boldyrev, N. N. Linguistic bases of communicative methods of teaching a foreign language / N. N. Boldyrev // Foreign languages at school. - 1998. - No. 3. - p. 12-15.
4. Boldyrev, N. N. Linguistic bases of communicative methods of teaching a foreign language / N. N. Boldyrev // Foreign languages at school. - 1998. - No. 4. - p. 16-19.
5. Filatov, V. M. Methods of teaching foreign languages in primary and basic secondary schools / V. M. Filatov. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004 – - 416 p.
6. Galskova, N. D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages: a manual for a teacher / N. D. Galskova. - M.: ARKTI, 2000 – 165 p.
7. Hymes, D. On Communicative Competence. In J.B.Pride and J.Holmes (eds.), Sociolinguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. – P. 269-293.
8. Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (Macmillan Elt) / Macmillan Publishers, 2007. – 745 p.
9. Matyash, O. I. Communicative education in Russia: history and modernity / O. I. Matyash / / Siberia. Philosophy. Education: scientific and journalistic almanac. - 2003. - No. 7. - pp. 60-76.
10. Passov, E. I. Communicative method of teaching foreign language speaking / E. I. Passov. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1991 – 207 p.
11. Safonova V. V. Communicative competence: modern approaches to multilevel description for methodological purposes / V. V. Safonova. - Moscow: Euroschool, 2004. – 307 p.
12. Solovova, E. N. Methodology of teaching foreign languages / E. N. Solovova. - M.: Prosveshchenie, 2002 – 239 p.
13. The handbook of a foreign language teacher / E. A. Maslyko. - Minsk: Higher School, 2004 – 522 p.
14. Thurnbury, Scott. How to teach grammar / Scott Thurnbury. – Longman, 2007. – 200 p.
15. Zhilkina, D. N. The solution of communicative tasks in the process of teaching a foreign language / D. N. Zhilkina // Foreign languages at school. - 1992. - No. 1. - pp. 59-61.
16. Zimnaya I. A. Pedagogical psychology. Textbook for universities. - M.: Publishing corporation "Logos", 2000. - 384 p.
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Количество страниц - 31.
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