Национально-культурная специфика кулинаронимов (на материале китайского и русского языков)
МГЛУ (Минский государственный лингвистический университет)
на тему: «Национально-культурная специфика кулинаронимов (на материале китайского и русского языков)»
по дисциплине: «Английский язык»
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Национально-культурная специфика кулинаронимов (на материале китайского и русского языков)
Тип работы: Реферат
Дисциплина: Английский язык
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I. Culinaronyms as a linguistic unit for formation of lingua cultural competence
II. Culinaronyms and phraseological units in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures
As is known, the process of globalization contributes to linking the environment between individuals from different countries and languages. Today, imagining any activity of an individual without its integration into the world space is impossible; individuals are forced to interact with the whole world, exchange experience, improve qualifications, and receive information from the outside. It is difficult to imagine this process without an intermediary language. In addition, the goal of teaching a foreign language is not only the teaching of communication, but also the destruction of negative ethnic stereotypes by expanding and clarifying knowledge about representatives of other ethnic groups. Moreover, expanding objective knowledge about another culture is an effective method of mitigating the cultural shock that often occurs in the process of immersion in a foreign ethnic culture.
Chinese food culture is ancient and multifaceted. This cuisine includes specific dishes with original names. Often, due to linguistic and cultural differences, the names of Chinese dishes are difficult to convey by means of foreign languages, including Russian.
The purpose of the work is to study national and cultural specifics of culinary names based on Chinese and Russian languages.
As for the study of culinary names in modern Chinese language, the attention of scientists usually focuses on the features of the translation of the names of Chinese dishes, or their national and cultural features are considered with excursions into the history of the creation of a particular dish. At the same time, all the above works are characterized by the involvement of language material of a dictionary nature.
I. Culinaronyms as a linguistic unit for formation of lingua cultural competence
Culinaronyms, being one of the thematic groups, are the names of dishes, drinks and confectionery.
Thematic based lingua cultural units can be similar to the linguistic units of other nations and cultures, but often in essence and content they will differ, since each culture and nation has its own mentality, worldview, foundations, morals, customs, and traditions. This is due to various reasons such as historical development, and the influence of political, social, cultural, and social factors. Basic lingua cultural units should reflect both cultural, political, social, economic, educational, historical, and other aspects of life, as well as national consciousness, mentality, and a national idea of the modern society [1].
There are many ways of developing students' lingua cultural competence, such as, for example, mastering speech etiquette and national stereotypes of speech behavior; the study of linguistic units with a national-cultural component of semantics as sources of extra linguistic information; reading the original texts reflecting folk traditions, folklore, spiritual culture of the country of the target language; watching films in a foreign language, listening to radio broadcasts and reading articles from newspapers and magazines, performing linguistic and cultural tests, crosswords, conducting quizzes, and much more.
By the basic lingua cultural units we mean the main components of the language system reflecting the national and cultural specifics of society, determined by the system values of society and allowing the individual to ensure the development of abilities, the formation of a worldview and spirituality, all worthy preparation for their life in society. Accordingly, the culinaronym is a suitable vocabulary unit to deploy in the next direction that requires lingua cultural, as it relates to history, culture, and cuisine.
II. Culinaronyms and phraseological units in Russian and Chinese linguistic culture
In recent years, in connection with the further development of Chinese and Russian relations, the issue of interaction and understanding between representatives of the two linguistic cultures, an integral part of which is the specific Russian and Chinese gastronomic worldview, has become acute. Under the gastronomic picture of the world, we will understand the "conceptual model of gastronomic preferences". It is not that the Russian and Chinese gastronomic pictures of the world did not become the object of special observation. Let us note the main features of the Chinese and Russian linguistic cultures, reflected in the phraseological units [2].
In Russian lingua culture, proverbs containing the names of food products often teach to be thrift: eat pies, and take care of the bread ahead; pies will lead to such a point that they will not give bread – they can condemn wastefulness, posturing associated with eating: eat nuts, but there are holes on the coat. The same qualities are reflected in the Chinese gastronomy picture of the world reflected in the following proverbs: 粮收万石, 也要粗茶淡饭。(Need to save food, even when there's plenty of bread); 惜衣有衣, 惜食有食。(If we take care of clothes, we will have clothes; if we take care of bread, we will have bread); 精打细算 , 有 有有有 大 大 大 大大大大 (Only if we are frugal, we will have bread and clothing. If we spend too much, we will become poor) [7].
If we consider food in terms of reflecting the topic of wealth or poverty, then for Russian lingua culture is characterized by associations of wealth with dairy products: like rolling cheese in butter; milk rivers, jelly banks – with the names of sweets: one hand in honey, the other in molasses. A characteristic sign of wealth and well-being for Russian lingua culture is the image of bread and salt: we live – we chew bread and salted; bread and salt (a wish at a meeting). However, bread without salt can be a sign of poverty.
The approach to language culture is considered to be a new, practical trend in foreign language teaching methods, especially the teaching of Russian as a foreign language. The approach aims to equip students with cultural knowledge and skills on the linguistic basis of that culture so that students can understand the second personality of that foreign language. It is not just language theory and basic communication; it seeks to create an understanding of thinking, and the worldview of the language created by native speakers. This helps to reach other cultures without any barriers.
Thus, on the one hand, and the lacunarity and non-equivalents are treated as synonyms, when it comes to the same linguistic sphere, for example, in relation to not represented in one of the compared languages phraseological units in this meaning, we can say that it is non-equivalent formed here in phraseological lacuna. However, on the other hand, in relation to different aspects of language one should distinguish between these terms, because the lack of semantically identical phraseological unit in one of the languages can be compensated through the expression of this concept by means of congruent to the content of words, phrases and sentences.
The analysis showed that often on the websites of Russian restaurants, the original names are distorted or replaced with a Russian description of the composition and method of cooking the dish. At the same time, national specifics are lost. Translation of specific names, even with the addition of a comment, can make the restaurant menu more attractive and increase popularity dishes from the visitors.
1. Absorption - поглощение
2. Abstract noun - абстрактное существительное, отвлеченное существительное
3. Accent - 1) ударение, акцент; 2) акцент, произношение
4. Acoustic-articulatory process - акустико-артикуляционный процесс
5. Acronym - акроним
6. Actual division of the sentence - актуальное членение предложения
7. Acute - высокий.
8. Acuteness - острота
9. Adaptive system - адаптивная система, комбинаторная система
10. Affinity - схождение
11. Affix - морфема
12. Agreement - согласование
13. Alienation - отчуждение
14. Allocution - обращение
15. Alternation - чередование
1. Big phrasebook of the Russian language. Meaning. Usage. Culturological comment. V.N. Telia, ed. Moscow: AST-PRESS BOOK. – 2006. – 784 p.
2. Bragina, N.G., Fragment of lingua-cultural vocabulary (basic concepts). Phraseology in the context of culture. Moscow: Languages of the Russian Culture. – 1999. – pp. 131-137.
3. Complete collection of Chinese proverbs and sayings “Sea of utterances” in 2 volumes. Wen Duanchzhen, ed. Shanghai. – 2004. – 2386 p.
4. Glazacheva, N.L., Once again of the typology of interlinguistic gaps (in the Chinese and Russian languages). Lacunae in language and speech. Proceedings. Blagoveshchensk. – 2003. – pp. 28-33.
5. Large phrasebook chehnjuj Chinese language. Tang Shu, ed. Beijing. – 2001. – 1514 p.
6. Melerovich, A.M., Mokienko, V.M., Idioms in the Russian language. Moscow: Russian dictionaries. – 1997. – 864 p.
7. Solodoub, Y.P., The role of verbal complex of prototype in implementation of connotative possibilities of phraseologism. Philological studies, 1. – 1996. – pp. 11-17.
8. Zhoung Ting, Selected Chinese proverbs and sayings. Urumchi. – 2001. –373 p.
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