Криминалистические подходы к формированию и проверке следственных версий
БрГУ им.А.С.Пушкина (Брестский государственный университет)
на тему: «Криминалистические подходы к формированию и проверке следственных версий»
по дисциплине: «Английский язык (профессиональная лексика)»
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Криминалистические подходы к формированию и проверке следственных версий
Тип работы: Реферат
Дисциплина: Английский язык (профессиональная лексика)
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1.1 Concept of the investigative version
1.3 Correlation of the investigative situation and the version as forensic categories
2.1 Features of techniques for constructing and checking investigative versions
2.2 Thought experiment as a way to test investigative versions
2.3 Forensic divergence and convergence in advancing and verifying investigative leads
The investigative version is the most important means of cognition that ensures the purposefulness, effectiveness, and efficiency of an investigation. Due to the practical importance of the advancement and verification of versions in detecting and investigating crimes among private forensic theories, the doctrine of the version was one of the first to take shape. The forensic doctrine of version originated and took shape in the middle of the 20th century. In this connection, the main postulates of this particular forensic theory still include general scientific concepts, which in the modern spider of the XXI century have been refined, supplemented, improved, and some have been revised as having failed the exam by time.
The development of science and technology has led to the renewal of the methodology and the improvement of the system of general scientific methods, which, first of all, include the methods of obtaining and processing information. Thus, it can be argued that general scientific prerequisites have been formed, which make it possible to continue on a new basis the development of a particular forensic theory - the forensic doctrine of the version.
The following reason requiring the improvement of a number of the provisions of the theory of version formulated in the 20th century is the change in disclosing and investigating crimes due to changes in legislation and the existing criminal environment. The transformation of criminal activity requires the study of theoretical patterns of putting forward and checking versions.
During the investigation of a criminal case, versions are put forward not one by one, but always in the form of a set of interconnected versions, which are a versioning system. A versioned system requires special tools that allow you to push versions, establish logical links between them and ensure simultaneous checking of all versions included in the versioned system. This task cannot be solved only with the help of simple methods, such as analysis and synthesis, abstraction, induction, and deduction. It is required to apply more complex methods of rational knowledge, in particular - the hypothetical-deductive method.
The advancement of versions in detecting and investigating crimes is a phenomenon in the system of activities of the subject of criminal procedural knowledge.
1.1 Concept of the investigative version
They did not consider the logical nature of the version and limited themselves to indications that the versions form the basis of the investigation plan and are put forward at the second stage of the investigation - after the initial investigative actions if the investigator "still does not receive certain indications about the identity and whereabouts of the offender" [1, p. 141].
The concept of an investigative situation is linked to the problem of increasing the efficiency of the investigator's activity in solving and investigating crimes and therefore has long been under the scrutiny of forensic scientists.
In the 20th century, from the late 60s to the early 70s, scientists paid attention to investigative situations. Disputes about the concept, nature, structure, and content of an investigative situation do not cease in the forensic literature until now, which the works of many forensic scientists are devoted to the study of this topic.
V. C. Gavlo defined the investigative situation as “a set of factual data that reflect the essential features of the event as it appears at one stage or another of the investigation of crimes” [2, p. 54].
At the same time, the opinion of the same authors regarding the concept of an investigative situation is quite dynamic. So, I.F. Gerasimov defined the investigative situation as "a set of circumstances in the case (situation, situation), which may be favorable or unfavorable (to varying degrees) for any conclusions and actions of the investigator" [3, p. 321].
L. Ya. Drapkin understands the investigative situation as "a mental dynamic model that reflects the information-logical, tactical-managerial and organizational state that has developed in a criminal case and characterizes the favorable or unfavorable nature of the investigation process" [2, p. 56].
It should be noted that it would be more correct to use the term "forensic situation" rather than "investigative situation" since the latter admits of an ambiguous interpretation: the situation that develops in the course of the investigation, and the situation in which the investigator finds himself, defines the investigative situation as a forensic characteristic of the investigation a specific crime at a certain moment, necessary for making investigative decisions.
2.1 Features of techniques for constructing and checking investigative versions
The construction of an investigative version is carried out in several stages. The first stage is characterized by the accumulation of the information that is subject to comprehension and based on which they will be built, the larger the volume of this information, the faster and most likely the picture of the crime that has taken place is determined.
Initially, information can be obtained from various sources, the main and most effective of which, if carried out in a high-quality manner, is an inspection of the scene. The detection of objects at the crime scene in the conditions of their correct investigation and assessment already gives not only an idea of the nature of the crime committed but also of its details and particular features.
When promoting versions, information cannot be extracted immediately from the detected object but is obtained in another way, for example, by assigning examinations. So, when investigating crimes related to the use of weapons, weapons seized from the crime scene, bullets, and casings are subjected to a ballistic examination, and a traceological examination is assigned to determine the origin of the traces.
An amount of initial information can be obtained during the interrogation of victims or witnesses.
The second stage is the assessment of information and the discovery of internal connections between all known facts. There is no clear boundary between these stages since the investigator must constantly compare the information received with the information already known and, if necessary, promptly respond to gaps in knowledge of the facts about the crime.
So, for example, if it is necessary to establish the time of the commission of a crime and, possibly, will accept the guilty person, the investigator can instruct to check the presence of CCTV cameras in the adjacent territory and find out with their help the necessary information about the movement of the offender.
Thus, the sought concept - a version of investigative action, in our opinion, contains the following essential features: theoretical construction; the situation of the investigative action; the reflection of the investigator.
Building and versioning are a big part of the investigation. The result of the investigation depends on the completeness, objectivity, and comprehensiveness of the advancement of versions and their verification.
The goal-setting, role of investigative versions is significant since through their construction and analysis of the content, intermediate facts are concretized and the circumstances of the subject of proof are established. That is the role of investigative versions in organizing an investigation.
The wording of the investigative version is based on the minimum volume of information, which, as a result of the work of the investigator, should increase to a level that allows the court to determine the guilt of a person, or, conversely, prove his innocence.
Putting forward a version is part of the investigator's cognitive activity the investigation should be based on a systematic and activity-based approach.
All connections between versions - presumptive judgments about the content of the crime under investigation - reflect objective and natural connections between the phenomena corresponding to these judgments.
Understanding the relationship between versions allows not only to promptly and intelligently propose separate versions of a survey but also to consolidate all versions into a single system, which is a desirable fix.
An investigator's thought experiment is a simulation of a situation that took place in reality, based on existing facts and traces by assuming how certain events or facts can be explained. The value of a thought experiment in putting forward versions and finding ways to test them is quite large, especially in conditions of a lack of initial information.
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