Relevance of the research topic. One of the most important means of cognition ensuring the purposefulness, effectiveness, and efficiency of an investigation is the investigative version. Due to the practical importance of the advancement and verification of methods in the activity of detecting and investigating crimes among private forensic theories, the doctrine of the version was one of the first to take shape. The forensic doctrine of methods originated and formed in the middle of the 20th century. In this connection, the main postulates of this particular forensic theory still basically include general scientific concepts, which in the modern spider of the XXI century have been refined, supplemented, improved, and some have been revised as having failed the exam by time. The development of science and technology has led to the renewal of the methodology and the improvement of the system of general scientific methods including methods of obtaining and processing information.
Accordingly, it could be affirmed, that general scientific prerequisites have been formed, which make it possible to continue on a new basis the development of a private forensic theory - the forensic doctrine of the version. The following reason requiring the improvement of a number of the provisions of the theory of method formulated in the 20th century is the change in the practice of disclosing and investigating crimes due to changes in legislation and the existing criminal environment. The transformation of criminal activity should be pointed as a reason requiring the study of theoretical patterns in the nomination and verification of versions.
During the investigation of a criminal case, the versions are put forward not one by one, but always in the way of interrelated versions. A versioned system requires the development of special tools to push the version forward. The specified task could not be solved with the help of simple methods such as analysis and synthesis, abstraction, induction, and deduction. It is required to use more complex methods of rational cognition, in particular - the hypothetic-deductive method. The advancement of versions in the activity of detecting and investigating crimes is a phenomenon that is included in the system of criminal procedural knowledge. Nevertheless, the method does not consider the forensic literature from the standpoint of the activity approach, and its structural place does not indicate.
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